I forgive
myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base my life choices on the
opinions of others and what they would say about a choice of mine, instead of
realising and understanding that within this I am compromising myself and my
well being in order to make other people happy within my wish for acceptance.
I forgive
myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel pressured about making
choices that would make others happy, instead of realising that by wanting to make
others happy, I am neglecting myself and my own life within my desire to be
accepted by others, where I will make choices that I perceive they will like,
and perceive that with this I am showing respect, not realising and understanding
that I am compromising myself in order to fulfil my desire to be accepted by
When and as
I see myself wanting to make choices just so that I would keep other people
appeased/happy in order for them to like me, I stop and I breathe. I realise and
understand that with this I am compromising myself, I am playing into a mind
construct, an energetic game where I want others to like me, for which I'm
willing to compromise myself, therefore I release the trigger point with
self-forgiveness and direct myself in breath.
I commit
myself to stop making choices that would make other people happy, because I
realise and understand that within doing so, I am not considering what is best
for me, but am compromising myself in order to get others to like me or to not
dislike me.
I forgive
myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be afraid of and worried about
people's responses whenever I give them information that I perceive they will
not like, because then I am fearing that they will not like me, instead of
realising and understanding that I am participating within a mind relationship
construct within which I wish to give people information that I perceive they
will like, so that I could through their feedback feel good about myself and validate
myself as one that is liked by people, and on the flip side I will fear giving
people information that I perceive they won't like, and will then be afraid of
them not liking me, and will feel inferior and less than.
When and as
I see myself fearing people's responses to the information that I give them,
because I perceive that they won't like it, I stop and I breathe. I realise and
understand that by doing so, I am compromising myself by participating within a
mind energetic construct of validating myself through other people's words and
thoughts and my perceptions of their perceptions of me, therefore I release the
point with self-forgiveness and direct myself in breath.
I commit
myself to stopping and removing all points of fearing people's responses,
because I realise and understand that in fearing their responses I am allowing
myself to give my power away to my perceptions of their perceptions of me, thus
feeding my mind with energy within a construct, where I will feel superior and
more than, when I perceive that people have a positive perception of me, and
will feel inferior and less than, when I preceive that people have a negative
perception of me.
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